Back to School Signage: Enhancing Your School’s Environment

Back to School Signage: Enhancing Your School’s Environment 150 150 84 Sign Shop

With the new school year just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to create a fun and organized environment for everyone—students, teachers, and parents alike! High-quality signage is a fantastic way to boost school spirit and keep everyone informed. At 84 Sign Shop, we’re here to help you transform your school with signage that adds a splash of color and a dash of excitement. Let’s dive into how our signage can make your school year a standout success!

Window, Wall, and Ground Decals

  • Wall Decals: Spruce up hallways with vibrant wall decals that scream school spirit! Whether it’s your mascot, school logo, or motivational quotes, wall decals turn plain walls into a canvas of positivity and pride.
  • Window Decals: Frosted window decals are a game-changer for offices, conference rooms, and gym spaces. They offer privacy while still keeping things bright and open, so your space remains friendly and inviting.
  • Ground Decals: Get those feet moving in the right direction with ground decals! Perfect for guiding students and visitors around school, these decals help make navigation a breeze while adding a pop of fun to the pathways.

Small Format Printing

  • Welcome Packets: Imagine the excitement of students and parents receiving welcome packets at parent-teacher conferences or the first day of school. These can include everything from important info and schedules to school policies, making everyone feel prepped and pumped!
  • Flyers: Keep the buzz alive with vibrant flyers for upcoming events, fundraisers, and school shows. Flyers are a fantastic way to keep the whole school community engaged and in the know.
  • Posters: Showcase your school sports teams with eye-catching posters. Whether it’s to hype up upcoming games, celebrate victories, or boost school spirit, posters are the perfect way to spread the cheer!


  • Pole Banners: Show off your school pride with colorful pole banners in parking lots and along school grounds. Featuring your school’s colors, logo, and motivational messages, these banners create a spirited vibe that’s hard to miss.
  • Traditional Banners: Hang traditional banners on fences or walls to celebrate events, honor achievements, and make special occasions memorable. Durable and eye-catching, they’re perfect for any indoor or outdoor space.

Let’s make this school year the best one yet with dynamic and exciting signage! At 84 Sign Shop, we’re all about bringing your school’s vision to life. Reach out to us today and let’s start designing the perfect signage for your school year!